Hexagon Portal Analytics for Calypso offers a detailed overview of Calypso environments. This portal is distributed exclusively by hexagon-perf.com.

To any support information, contact support@hexagon-perf.com

First steps

In this section, learn how to connect and display information on your Calypso environments.

Go to first steps…

Alerts setup

Metrics recorded by the portal can raise alerts and notify external system.

Follow this section to learn more on HPA Alerts

Analysis and metrics

The metrics are recorded in a raw format stored into the APM storage. The portal extract metrics for the chosen environment and range of dates, computes statistics and display.

Follow this section to learn more on HPA Calypso analytic


Installing HPA requires a few steps described in the following section : Start installation


It’s critical to save your data, follow the link : Backup your modifications


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