The backends are the outpout points of the current module, depending of the module it records different kind of activity.

modules entry points output points
Navigators User actions EJB/API calls to dataserver
Engines Process Event or custom entry point EJB/API calls to dataserver
Scheduled Tasks Main entry EJB/API calls to dataserver
Dataservers EJB/API calls Database, event server

HPA Agent records each backend call and give statistics on it :

  • warning: if at least one request has been stalled (more than 30s) or if too many executions in parallel (concurrent calls > 5).
    • When a stall warning is displayed, the number of concurrent calls is also displayed.
  • weight of the backend in relation to all backends
  • average response time
  • number of requests calls
  • number of stalls
  • concurrent calls

We try to link every backends we to its frontend / entry point : it means that, when possible, we display in the frontend column which action or event initiates the call to the API.

Depending of the module we have different kind of initiator (see above).

Example of navigator backends :

backends navigator

Example of engines backends :

backends engines

Note the following information :

  • if initiator is unknown the frontend is called #NotTagged as we do not tag any action as initiator.
  • weight is computed among all backends, it is the total consumption time (average multiply by response time)
  • standard array, see exports and filters