As described in the architecture part, we rely on Broacom APM to record and the store the data. The HPA portal get metrics and perform some analysis to display a fast summary and advanced summary of the usage.

If we need to display a given raw metric (for example the CPU usage over the time for a given module) then we can switch to the webview that can display a time graph for every metrics.

To help the navigation, we put an icon :

link to Broadcom webview

or in the menu Open Webview :

link to Broadcom webview

This icon opens the webview, pinpoints the metric in the Investigator tree and set the date. The investigator tree is composed like this :

Investigator tree webview

For large environment, there is a node for each jvm :

  • navigators
  • engine servers
  • data servers
  • event server

Then we can have timed graph :

Investigator graph webview