
Agent is a simple tar archive, ready to be deployed on a filesystem.

  1. Select a filesystem with 500M of free space. This will be the hpa directory, referenced as hpa_agent_dir
  2. calypso_user, the user who lauches Calypso processes, should have access in read, write and execution to this directory.

Installation and update steps

  1. Download and send agent binary on server to download_dir :
  2. Create a directory in a filesystem with 500Mo of free space for hpa_agent_dir : example /opt/hpa/uniqueagent
  3. Log into calypso_user and run (can be one-lined):
unzip {{download_dir}}/ -d {{hpa_agent_dir}} ;   
chmod 755 {{hpa_agent_dir}}/*.sh
bash {{hpa_agent_dir}}/ 1.xx

Configuration on first installation

  1. Copy the config template file :
    cd /opt/hpa/uniqueagent
  2. Complete the configuration file :
    export HPA_EM_HOST=<em host>:5001
    export HPA_CALYPSO_ENV=v15-hex1-perf

See Portal environment config file to find the right values.

Update de startup scripts

Modify the Calypso startups scripts, a wizard is available in the portal to help you :

Infrastructure monitoring

See APMIA/Infrastructure Agent.

Oracle monitoring

See Infrastructure Oracle extension.

Other information

Agent log files can be found here : {{hpa_agent_dir}}/wily/logs

Two files are created by monitored component :

  • Autoprobe-.log : this file is erased each time a component start. Size is around 1MB.
  • IntroscopeAgent-.log : this file is updated at each component startup. It conatins the live logs of the agent. It is rotated.

Agent is installed, next steps : configure each components, beginning with the common script.

To change the log level of the agent, please refer to uniqueagent\hpa-agent-calypso-xxx\wily-xxx\core\config and modify: log4j.logger.IntroscopeAgent.HpaAgent=XXX