Agent naming is important, this is how the HPA portal and extractor group the JVM of the same Calypso instance.

You can use Help > Agent wizard in the portal to help you defining the right values

The following profiles are available : ls /opt/hpa/uniqueagent/wily/core/config/*profile

Example Agent name Agent profile
DataServer dataserver
DataServerRO-v14 dataserver
EngineServer-v15 engine
EventServer eventserver
ScheduleServer-v16 generic
ScheduleTasks-<ST ref> scheduletasks
ScheduleTasks-<ST ref> scheduletasks_basic
Navigator navigator
Riskserver riskserver
Dispatcher grid
Caclulator-154 grid
ArtifactServer, AuthServer, … generic
Any components - only memory basic

Agent profile and Agent name are used in the Java command line launching the Calypso processes. In this command line:

  • Agent profile can NOT be modified, they point to an existing file.

  • Agent name can be modified but be careful at HPA portal server and extractor configuration that need be align. They use expression to select the agent corresponding to an environment.

Agent named should unique for a given JVM in a given Calypso environment.

Basic profiling

If a module has a very short execution time (as some Scheduled Tasks) or if agent overhead is too high, you can use the basic profile to monitoring only memory metrics.

This profile has no overhead in terms of execution or startup time.

For the scheduled task we created a scheduletasks_basic which is basically the same, except that the agent identify itself as a Scheduled Task instead of a Generic process in the portal. This is useful because in most of the case, only ST requires the basic profile.