HPA agents record the entry point of the module, for the navigator, this is mainly the end-user action. We identified the following available actions as relevant:

  • Report loading: normally all reports are recorded

  • Trade save: from Trade window or Task station context menu

  • Backgound: gives metrics about non-relevant technical processes of the navigator

    • Can be modified by configuration

The other actions will have their EJB calls recorded but the main action will be #NotTagged. It’s easy to identify a new user action and name it, contact support for this.

When an entry point is recorded, it records all the backend-calls, so the portal is able to display :

  • warning: if a request has been stalled (more than 30s) or if too much execution in parallel (stack on the same service, concurrent calls > 5)
  • average response time
  • number of calls, number of times the action is done
  • weight of the frontend in relation to all frontends
  • server time, this is the time taken by the dataserver to build the response
  • network time, this is the difference between client time response duration and server time response duration
  • stall number of requests that are longer than 30 seconds

See the frontend example:

detailed use metrics