
The controller is at the root of the hpa installation (identified as hpa_base_dir)

Warning, HPA portal must ne be run as root. An error is thrown if root user is used.


  1. Status of the environment
    cd {{hpa_base_dir}}/hpa
    ./ status
  2. Start the environment
    cd {{hpa_base_dir}}/hpa
    ./ start
  3. Stop the environment
    cd {{hpa_base_dir}}/hpa
    ./ stop

Commands per modules

  1. List the modules available for this version
    cd {{hpa_base_dir}}/hpa
    ./ lm
  2. Start a module. [module_name] is one the module listed previously
    cd {{hpa_base_dir}}/hpa
    ./ start [module_name]
  3. Stop the environment. [module_name] is one the module listed previously
    cd {{hpa_base_dir}}/hpa
    ./ stop [module_name]

Start/Stop HPA with systemD

During the installation the following help message is displayed with the correct path.

To install HPA as systemd service :

  1. Ensure that HPA is stopped
  2. Execute the following commands :
    sudo cp $BASEDIR_VERSION/hexagon-hpa.service /etc/systemd/system"
    sudo systemctl enable hexagon-hpa.service"
    sudo systemctl start hexagon-hpa.service

If SELinux is used, you can check the status with :

command -v getenforce > /dev/null && getenforce

if result is Enabled then SELinux is activated, in this case, execute also :

semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t $BASEDIR_VERSION/"
restorecon -v $BASEDIR_VERSION/"